PARTY 学习资料
  • 习近平在中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会上的报告
  • [ERROR: The string doesn't match the expected date/time/date-time format. The string to parse was: "2024-03-27T13:50:07+08:00". The expected format was: "MMM d, yyyy".
    The nested reason given follows:
    Unparseable date: "2024-03-27T13:50:07+08:00"
    FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
    	- Failed at: ${bean.publishDate?date} auto-escaped  [in template "1/default/channel_learn_info.html" at line 59, column 17]
    	- Reached through: @ArticlePage isI...  [in template "1/default/channel_learn_info.html" at line 31, column 7]